
david p. eiser


Germany, July 24, 2023
Open letter to the president of the russian republic Vladimir Putin

Dear Vlad,
please forgive me for addressing you in confidence, but I believe we are brothers in spirit
and since I am the older one, I take the liberty of such a greeting.

The development of your special military operation in Ukraine is certainly also a matter of
concern to you, which you would like to bring to a successful conclusion. Unfortunately,
the expenses for what you have achieved so far have not kept within the calculated frame-
work, and with the continued subsidization of Ukraine by the West, it is probably to be ex-
pected that the investment/sacrifice ratio will turn completely negative.

I have come up with an idea as to how we can reduce to absurdity your fears that Russia
will one day be overrun by the evil, depraved West.

You also want Russia to live in peace with its neighbors, for military costs to be reduced so
that the people can develop hope for better times again, for a peaceful economy to create
wealth and prosperity for everyone...

And there will be peace, that is essential. It is only a question of time whether both parties
allow themselves to be dragged to the brink of exhaustion or summon up the courage and
determination to end the conflict before then.

How about the following suggestion:
Since Ukraine is obviously most important to you and you have gathered all the historical
arguments to justify your claim to the country - or some of its parts - the West could grant
you the takeover of these territories under russian rule, if, using a corresponding western
european chain of arguments

    1. Germany gets all of East Prussia back (with increasing global warming, you will no
        longer need the formerly only ice-free access to the Baltic Sea anyway)

    2. Poland gets back the former eastern Polish territories and fills them up with citizens
        living in western Poland so that Pomerania, western Prussia and Silesia as well as
        the Polish part of East Prussia can be taken over by Germany again.

I guess that would be a fair deal.
You could then compensate the rest of Ukraine for the damage you caused in the country
after the conclusion of peace without any significant additional burden on your budget and
thus ensure a peaceful transition.

Just think about it. Everyone involved would benefit from this proposal: the Ukrainians, who
could now rebuild, you Russians with the guaranteed security cordon in the south of your
empire would breathe a sigh of relief. In addition, the costs of maintaining the East Prussian
exclave would be eliminated, and the renunciation of the former eastern Poland would hard-
ly hurt you if you gained the Ukrainian territories. The Poles would be happy to live on their
original land again, and Germany would finally be reunited and would no longer need re-
vanchist eruptions to draw attention to itself. These are promising prospects for a prosper-
ous coexistence on the border between western Europe and eastern Europe.
If you manage to redivide Europe in this way, then you can enjoy flying to the Black Sea to
enjoy your retirement at Cape Idokopas.

Best regards in close solidarity
your new western friend

David P. Eiser

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